Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Who is TL Jackson???
Inauguration Day - Part I...
Wondering what's on TL's mind today? Probably the same thing as all these people in the photo that is in Washington, DC getting ready to witness history in the making. But, yet, to me it's just another day in the life of TL. All I have been hearing is nothing but inauguration stuff. When do people say enough is enough? Yes, I understand the historic part of this day with Obama being the first African-American President but from this day until the end of his terms, one thing is going to be the same. He is going to be like all the other Presidents but hopefully better. No matter what color his skin is he is still the President of the United States! He is going to do the same things other Presidents do in past. So, throughout the day, I'm going to possibly try and post updates about this day with the next update probably being after the ceremony and the inauguration. But who right now is excited that this day finally have came? Who really cares? Everybody has their opinion. So, let me hear them!