Well, things are starting to heat up around here when it comes to the job searching. Earlier this week, I took a different direction when it came to my job searching process. I re-did my cover letter and created a broadcast letter that I sent out to potential companies. Plus, I have been doing a lot more networking and seem to be getting my job leads. All of this has lead me to my first interview that I had in a while that’s not connected with a recruiter. That interview is Tuesday in Mason, OH with Siemens IT Solutions for a month or two job that could lead into full-time. But it’s a start at least.
In other news about me, I have been doing a lot of walking lately and notice how much strength I have after walking long distance. I have notice that since I have lost weight how much better I have felt. So, I guess a good side effect of the diabetes medication is losing weight? But it’s time for me to believe in myself. I’m just asking friends of mine to not lose confidence in me or stop believing in me. Things will turn around for me. Just got to believe!