That’s right, I’m back from Catlanta. Just to bad I wasn’t there to watch the UK Wildcats but I was there for my next favorite thing. That would be my new passion which is fighting poverty. I’m officially now an AmeriCorps VISTA. Which also means that on Monday, I will start my assignment with the Brighton Center here in Newport, KY as I start getting back on my feet myself. So, let’s get this going. A new path in my life is starting.
Catlanta was rainy and more rain. It didn’t stop until we got on the bus to leave for the airport. But the whole time down there, I must admit it was a real eye opener for me. Not to mention I met a lot of people that will probably be friends with for years to come. So, if you are thinking about becoming an AmeriCorps Volunteer I would wholly recommend that you do. Everything that happened that was involved with the conference was great. My only complaint was the very last thing on our way home in Chicago as we were on time until a cargo net got tangled up and we sat on the tarmac for about an hour and was late arriving in Cincinnati. But know what? That I can take because that was the only thing that was bad and it was at the very end.
But today is my day of rest before I start looking over my assignment and start working on things for Monday. I also have some other things to do as well. I’m also glad to see somebody looked me up from the conference. I can’t believe somebody actually beat me to the punch on that. She was going to be the first person I looked up as well. So, Majal glad to be your friend and hope we can keep in contact as we start our journey.
Also, I realized why I was gone to Catlanta that I really do like Windows Live when it comes doing my blog. Just couldn’t believe that I couldn’t twitter out my blog post each time I did a blog entry each day. But now I can.