Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Update on my car situation…

If you all remember from several post over the last year, I have been participating in the IDA program where once I save $2,000 that I get matched 100% by Brighton Center.  In September of 2010, I made my $2,000 limit and since then started phase two of the program which was to pay off 30% of my debt off.  Well, I’m only $355 away from completing this.  In the whole process I was put on a waiting list waiting for Brighton Center get their money.  Today, I learned that Brighton Center got their money and as soon as I pay off $355 of my debt in some fashion, I will be able to get a car.  So, I’m hoping by the end of February that I will have a new used car.  I’m very excited about this.  I have been car hunting these last few months and do have a car in mind I want.  But when I’m ready to purchase it, will it be there?  That is the question.  Not to mention I have to look for car insurance.  Anybody have any suggestions?

So, if anybody want to donate some money to the “pay off TL’s debt” funds, I’ll be happy to take it.  You can always send money to me by PayPal by sending it to jacksontho at gmail dot com.  *lol*  Just kidding!