Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Day 2 Reflection...

As day two comes to an end, the information that I gathered today has been overwhelming but at the same time it has helped me better understand the situation that I have been in over the last year and half better. For me, it's like putting a name to the face finally. That's the best way I can finally describe the situation I have been in. You see, everytime I was asked to explain the current situation I'm in, it has been hard for me to explain because I wasn't really homeless even though that's what it seems like. Today, here at training, I learned that I was what is called "situational poverty". Basically "situational poverty" is where a certain situation has put me into poverty. Another example of situational poverty are the people in New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit. A devasting event can have a devasting affect on people and/or individual. So, I challenge you to see if you can define what is poverty? What does poverty mean to you? Can poverty be totally eliminated? To better understand poverty, you have to define poverty. It's not just "lack of money", or "lack thereof anything". Defining poverty can be just about anything. Now that I better understand my situation by figuring out the name of it, it has helped me to figure out a roadmap for me to get out of this situation.

So, as today comes to a close, I'm so very glad that I decided to follow this path and become a Vista. I'm excited to get back to the Northern Kentucky area and put to use what I have and will be learning here. Anybody want to help me with this challenge? Poverty can be eliminated but not just totally. We all have to work together. I'm only one, but one can become many.