Saturday, January 15, 2011

2010: A Year In Review…

This was my first full year of being re-housed since I’ve been homeless.  Even though I was re-housed the last month of 2009, I was able to stay in the same place all year in 2010.  It started out rough for me as I had to get used to the idea that I had a place over my head.  But it didn’t take long before other feelings started to come back to me.  For example, the feeling of loneliness of when I came home from work every day.  But that was remedy later on in the year as I got a roommate.  Even though it’s different, have a friend to talk to is always a plus.  More about him later on in this post.  Year 2010 saw me grow as a person.  I think many of my friends would agree with me.  Even some of them think that being homeless was probably the best thing that happen to me.  Even though I understand where they are coming from, I would have to disagree.  Because I wouldn’t wish being homeless on anybody.  Being homeless is a totally different ball game.  But for me it did something though.  It kicked my determination into high gear.  Want to get motivated, become homeless?  So, what did the year 2010 have for me?  Well, let me tell you.

First, it was AmeriCorps.  Being an AmeriCorps member has did a lot.  I met more people that either are or were in a similar position like I was.  These are people that really are their selves.  No playing game or anything.  The sit down with you and they listen.  They don’t act to be your friends, they are your friends.

Just AmeriCorps alone has done more for me in 2010 than I probably could for myself.  Besides friends, I started job training.  The more I work as an AmeriCorps member, the more on the job training experience I get.  It has helped me update my resume for my job career.  Until September 15, 2010, I was a VISTA member and then switched over to LISC AmeriCorps for this last three months of 2010 where I am currently.   The switch from VISTA to LISC is actually a promotion.  It was more money but more responsibility came with the job.  Also, I’m impacting family lives in my current position.  But don’t get me wrong, as VISTA I was still impacting family lives but only behind the scenes.  For example, it was all about making a method of a program that’s already in place and make it better.  So another words, make it run smoother.  Which I did.  One of the projects took off big times and that was my housing packet.  This packet went out to over 4500 people within the community.  Now, as a LISC worker, I’m impacting family’s lives as I’m working directly with them.  I’m able to give people what they need.  It’s been amazing so for.  I can only imagine what 2011 will hold for me in this area.

Brighton Center is an amazing place.  To have this opportunity to work for them has been humbling for me.  They have helped me in many ways.  For example, they helped me pay off some of my bills so that I had no barrier to worry about when it comes to getting this place I’m currently living out.  They helped pay off my last landlord when I was unable too.  They also paid off Duke Energy bill that I had from my last place.  Plus a few other things.  But I think the biggest thing they helped me with that is immeasurable is the ability to get me to save money.  In 2010, I started my IDA account for a car.  I was able to save up $2000 in which they will match me $2000 to use to get a great car which will come in 2011.  So, budgeting was an important for me in 2010.  They actually got me to budget which I tried many times before.  But still have some problems and a long ways to go before I can say I’m successful at it.  But it’s a start.  Having great co-workers is a plus too.  It’s amazing what one can learn from co-workers at the work place.  I’m grateful for Brighton Center and hopefully I will be hired on as an employee there.

Besides for my work life, other part of my life was enhanced in some way.  My personal life has seen me go out more with friends and do more things that I normally don’t know.  Like going to events that are here in the Northern Kentucky area like wine tastings, motorcycle rally, and do more volunteering.  I was able to visit my mom for the first time in a few years.  I also adopted a family for Christmas as I bought presents for a single mom and her two kids.

Even though it seems that 2010 was all good, it wasn’t.  There were times that I had to deal with something or help a friend or two with a problem.  2010 has seen two of my friends going through a divorce.  Going thru a divorce can and is a tough thing to do.  But having a friend that is always there for them can help cushion the blow some.  One of them is my roommate right now.  He knows he has a roof over his head and a friend to talk to anytime he wants to talk.  The other friend has just started the process the last few months of the year but he will know what to do but until then, he knows he has a friend in me.  Another thing that hasn’t went good for me is my health.  My diabetes are still high but that will change soon though.

You see year 2010 wasn’t the worse or the best but it’s by far since my homelessness the best year I have had and it can only get better for me.  What does 2011 have install for me?  Got to come back when I do my “2011 Preview” post in the next few days.