Have been asking myself lately on why I’m doing this blog? Apparently nobody is interested in me. That’s evident by the number of people that visit my blog. Not to mention that nobody leaves meaningful comments. It’s rough when I’m not getting much attention in my life but even rougher when I’m not getting any attention at all online. What do I have to do? People this is me…I’m a shy kid that want friends but it’s hard for me to make them. My comfort zone is my place where I live. My only real joy in life is when I’m at work, I’m cooking, or hanging with the very few friends I do have. Here is a novel idea for you all? Maybe you should approach me first rather than waiting for me to approach you? I feel more comfortable when I know it’s ok for me to approach somebody or if they approach me. When I’m home, it’s very rarely do I turn on lights, or open my blinds. Invite me out with you all and you might just see a whole different me. Anyway, just thought I get that off my chest.
So, what’s new with me? Well, later this month, I’ll be going to a conference in West Virginia on Volunteerism. Something I’m looking forward for. It’s from July 20-22nd and I’ll be going with a fellow VISTA/friend, Tori. I’m excited. It’s like a mini paid vacation. Yippee!!!!! Speaking of work, I know I’m definitely coming back to the Brighton Center for another year. If it stands as is right now, I’ll be coming back as the Housing Support VISTA again. But I’m hoping that I’ll be getting somewhat “promoted” I guess you can say? There is a new AmeriCorps position coming open that I’ll be applying for that I would love to get. It is more of a direct service in which I want to do. Should know something in August about that position. So, keep fingers cross.
In other good news, in less than 4 hours, I’ll be able to cancel two of my cell phone lines. For the last year or so, I’ve had 4 cell phone lines and only using one of my phones. So, I’ll be very happy when I can cancel two of them finally. Been waiting for this to happen in a very long time. Yeah!!!!!!