Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Next Step…

Today was not only a great day for me but also a very big step in my life goals.  I learned that I got this other AmeriCorps position that I was hoping for.  So, in the scheme called my life, how does this fit in?  See from day one of working at Brighton Center in September 2009, I had a plan to re-work my life.  One thing I knew was that I didn’t want to be homeless again.  I decided that I was going to take control of my life, of course, with Gods help.  Re-working my life would take a lot of effort but one area that I knew I wanted to make a change in was my work life.  Here I am, a 36 year old single guy with a Master of Science in Technology degree and didn’t have anything to show for it.  I took inventory of my work life and came up with a plan.  To start recover from homelessness is actually where you are starting your life all over again.  Of course, you don’t have to go through all the different life stages.

Working as an AmeriCorps VISTA allowed me the necessary time and patience to implement things.  Working as a VISTA allowed me to at least gain both volunteer status and full time experience.  Up until that point, I didn’t have either.  Yes, I volunteered at school and etc but that isn’t the same.  Not only that, working as a VISTA allowed me at the end of my service year to open another area in the job market.  I will get non-compete status in the government job field.  Meaning that the government job market will be open to me.  Also, after working my year as a VISTA, I was able to start updating my experience.  Up until now, my experience was majorly out of date.  So, just for this one year, I was able to gain volunteer experience, full time experience, open up the government job market area to me, gain non compete status, and start updating my experience.  Not to mention using my passion to not only overcome my homelessness but help fight homelessness as well.  Where can I go from here?

Working as as AmeriCorps VISTA allowed me to build capacity within Brighton Center.  So, I couldn’t do that much direct service like working with individuals and families.  VISTA was about me providing a better system for another person to help that individual or family.  Now, I’m going to actually be that person that helps individuals and families as I will be able to do direct service now as I’m just going to be an AmeriCorps.  In the next couple of days, I’ll be doing a blog post talking more about what I’ll be doing.  But off hand I can tell you that gaining this opportunity is huge because it continues my step in my work life in the right direction.  Not only is this job more money, it’s also more responsibility.  Which means more experience for me.  Experience I’ll be gaining is case management.  Not only do I gain that but I’ll also receive entry level experience as this position will be considered.

But it’s not all fun and dandy though.  Between now and September 20, when I officially start this other AmeriCorps position, I’ll have a lot to do from finishing up my current service year as a VISTA to doing orientation on Monday and Tuesday of next week for the new AmeriCorps position.  Also have to check out things regarding my food stamps and how this position will affect that.  I don’t think it will but just want to be on the safe side.

Now, for this real reason, why today was a huge day for me.  I can start researching about buying a car.  This means a lot for me.  With this job, I know now which way to go with my $1200 end of the year cash stipend that I’ll be getting.  Majority of it will be going into my IDA account where I have nearly $1000 saved up.  When I hit $2000 saved, Brighton Center will match me 100 percent.  So, I’ll have $4000 to either buy a car outright or put down a payment on a new or used car.  This job will allow me to take on another major bill which will be a car insurance.  So, probably around the new year, I’ll be driving again.  Plus, it will allow me a few little bills as well.  So, in the meantime, I’m going to go and relax and be happy.