Thursday, February 25, 2010

More Snow?

What is up with this weather?  I just looked at the window and see that it snowed yet again.  When is enough really enough.  Granted it was only a dusting.  Raise your hand if you are sick of snow?  Only in Cincinnati.  *lol*  Well, my somewhat new computer “BlueSilhouette” I’m naming him is coming along pretty good.  It’s a faster computer than “TRexSmarts”.  TRexSmarts is an 800 mhz computer whereas BlueSilhouette is a 2.8 ghz computer.  BlueSilhouette runs so fast that when I turn my back to go and so something it’s there ready to go.  Today after work I’m going to be coming home and downloading more windows updates for BlueSilhouette and the one file that is in stored to be downloaded is going to take 5 hours and 46 minutes.  Got to love dial up speed?  Speaking of TRexSmarts, it’s official, has a virus on it.  So, it’s beginning to look more and more like I’m going to reinstall windows on TRexSmarts.  It’s been a few years since I last did it and there are software that I know I won’t be using on it anymore or haven’t used on it in a long time.  I haven’t decided if I want to take the TV tuner card and my sound card out of TRexSmarts and put them into BlueSilhouette.  If I do that, BlueSilhouette is going to need more RAM and either a second hard drive or a bigger hard drive.  Over time though I’ll make those decision.  Anyway, my lunch is packed and it’s ready for me to get ready to go and catch to bus to head to work.  Got to love my job.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I’m back on the internet but…

Hello everybody.  The good news is that I’m back on the internet at my place.  The bad news is that I’m actually on as dial up speed.  I’m actually going through my blackberry acting as a modem.  This will do for the time being until I actually do get faster internet access.  Also, everybody will now be able to see when I do have a new blog because it will be sent via Twitter.  Probably this weekend I’ll be putting finishing touches on this computer that I’m fixing up for myself and I’ll start posting more often now.  But for now, I’m heading back to downloading updates and etc at the slowest speed possible.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Taking to long but worth the wait…

Wow, I'm really not doing to good this year on blogging am I? Just goes and shows, one, how busy I am, and two, what happens when the only time you can get on the internet is when I'm at work. Still have no internet at home. Probably be a while before I get it too. But I do have a few things in the work for getting the internet. Let's just see how they pan out before I'll tell you all what they were. I'm continuing to work on the other computers I got and trying to get them up and running. So far every thing I have done to get them working has failed but I'm closer than I was when I got the computers. I can't wait to get them up and running. It will be a major upgrade to TRexSmarts but I can then dedicate TRexSmarts to being my TV basically.

As for me, I'm doing pretty well. I'm getting better day by day as I slowly get on my feet. Still have some things that I need to work on. For example, still have probably spending money when I shouldn't but I think that will change here in the coming months as I'll be paying for all of my rent, utilities, and cell phone bill on my own without the help of HEARTH. After I pay these bills and put in $50 into my IDA account, I'm only down to like $50 for the whole month. Of that remaining $50, I have to use $10 for laundry. If this doesn't fix my spending habit nothing will. Also, I need to start working back on getting my diabetes back on track. I was doing such a great job before all my homelessness problems started that I completely lost all that momentum. I need to gain that momentum back and get back on track.

Now, let's talk about my job here at Brighton Center. A lot of things have gone on here these last few weeks. I was moved out of my office that I had on my own on the first floor up to the third floor sharing an office with another VISTA member. Talking about a contrast of differences on the different floors is amazing. On the first floor, it's very busy and active but up here on the third floor it's very quiet. It's great sharing an office though. We both are currently working on a project together so we can talk about that project whenever rather than having to hunt each other down when we need to ask each other questions. Also, the job is going great. Here is an article about a homeless couple that I referred on to the Cold Shelter that got me recognized by Brighton Center. You can find the story here: Even though it doesn't say my name specifically but I'm the one that referred them on. So, print it out and save it. I'm famous in a round about way. *lol*

Anyway, back to work I go I guess. I'll try and start updating my blog more!