I think the blog title of this post explains where this post is going. Over the past week or so, my co-workers and maybe some of my friends probably thought I’ve been unsociable or not happy? It’s not that I was or anything but more like I was doing some serious thinking about myself and the things I want to accomplish between now and when I turn 40 in three years. There are several things I want to do between now and then but before I can accomplish them I have to figure out a major detail about myself. It’s all good and dandy that I have plans and etc but what good are they if I fizzle out in the middle of my plan? Like I said, over the last week I’ve been looking back at all the goals and plans I had for myself only to find a disturbing pattern to all my failed plans compared to all my successful goals and plans I’ve had. That pattern is “accountability”.
“Accountability” is a major role when it comes to achieving goals and life plans. Without that role, how does one keep them self motivated or continue to fight the good fight when nobody is there for you to turn to or be by your side? This is what I have noticed about myself. I have noticed that I start my goals or life plans out like a wildfire only see it fizzle away when I have nobody that is by my side through the process. Without that “accountability”, there are days that that I need that motivation or the kick in the ass that a friend or workout partner can provide. In all my successful goals or plans that I have seen through, I’ve notice that this role was present but in the unsuccessful goals or plans the role wasn’t there. For example, in 2008 after I was diagnosed with diabetes I was able to lose roughly between 80 to 100 lbs. The strict diet I was on along with the exercising I was doing, my mom and step-dad was there. Most importantly my step-dad was a big influence on me when it came to exercising. My step-dad held me accountable everyday when working. He even joined me in our walking. Even though his was a faster walker, knowing that he was out there with me made a huge difference in me wanting to do the walk. Because afterward, we would talk about how that workout felt or why my time was slower or faster? It was my step-dad that was my “accountability” and got me through the walks. Another example, is my car IDA program that I started in September 2009 which ended in me getting my car in April 2011. The “accountability” in this goal was both the Financial Resource Specialist and the rules of the IDA program. I mean, would I ever been able to save $2000 for my car to be eligible for my 100% match by Brighton Center without the specialist or the goals? Believe it or not, I wouldn’t have. I have tried before and failed miserable. These are just a few of my examples which aren’t very many. Don’t have many more successful examples to give though. So, I’m going to continue think about how I can create the right “accountability” to make my goals before 40 to be successful.
What exactly is my “Goals before 40”? I think that will be the fancy name for my goals. What do you all think about it? “Goals before 40” is a plan where before I turn 40 years old, I’m going to accomplish these goals. Everybody know that when turning 40 its all downhill in life? If that’s the truth, then I want to have fun because the first 40 hasn’t been anything but fun for me. So, I want to kind of re-invent myself over the next three years. But I don’t want to fail. My “Goals before 40” has three goals to it.
- Goal #1:
- Before or when I turn 40 years old, I want to lose 150 lbs or weigh around 200 lbs.
- That means on average for the next three years, I need to lose 50 lbs per year. That’s very doable in my book. It’s not a goal that isn’t unattainable.
- I’m going to need to find a workout partner. In the past when having a workout partner, I’m very dedicated to actually working out. I have no probably on a few days to work out alone but I tend to lose focus if its day after day. But having somebody there I know will hold me accountable. This is where goal #2 will come into affect.
- Goal #2:
- Before or when I turn 40 years old, I want to get my diabetes under control.
- Which losing 150 lbs will go a long way in helping out this goal. So, what I’ll be doing to start this goal is looking at two things?
- 1) Getting educated correctly. Usually when diagnosed, all the newbie get educated. I didn’t have the chance to be educated or take any classes when I was in the hospital regarding diabetes. All my education up to this point is me doing the research and filling in the blanks.
- 2) Finding a diabetes support group. I’m hoping this will help with the “accountability” role that I’m needing.
- Goal #3:
- Before or when I turn 4o years old, I want to have in my career job.
- First, I need to know what my career job is? That is one thing I need to find out. What exactly is it? Is it staying in the non-profit field which I very much liked for the last two years. Or is it going back to the technology field? Is it a combo of the two fields? Or is it culinary? Is it photography? What exactly is it? Might need to figure this out first before I can start my career job.
These three goals will be a major start to my “over 40” years. As you can also tell, these three goals basically go hand in hand. These are very attainable goals to achieve only if I have the “accountability” role in place. Anybody have any websites or know somebody in the Northern Kentucky area that might be a great resource or person to contact? If so, please leave a comment here.
In other news about my life, I’ve also been thinking about other aspects of my life the last few weeks. Here is a small quick update on things going on.
One of them is about AmeriCorps. It’s beginning to look like I’m going to be doing a third and final year of it. Well, I have decided that it will be my final year if I do so get a third year. I’m kind of counting on it. AmeriCorps would help me greatly to work on my “Goals before 40” plan. Basically be working with low income families and homelessness along with some new responsibility. Keep your fingers crossed.
Second thing is that my car is slowly being repaired. When I bought the car, there were some cosmetic stuff that needed to be fixed. So, I have gradually been fixing small things. But this week, I’m going to have my “check engine” light and my “airbag” light fixed. I’m hoping my car will make it to this Saturday when it goes to the dealer. I’m having some problems with it currently due to the “check engine” light. Apparently, my car decided to give me a code of “system to lean”. This problem started about a few weeks after I had the car. So, barring no major expense I’m going to have it fixed this weekend.
Well, thank you for reading my whole blog post if you are reading this. Please leave a comment. I’m tired of having no comments because I think people don’t want to hear me but it’s all part of the “accountability” I’m talking about. Feel free to e-mail me if you want. I’m always looking to meet new friends. Again, sorry for the long post. Enjoy your morning and/or night!