Monday, December 5, 2011

Can’t Fight This Feeling…

No, this isn’t a post about REO Speedwagon’s song “Can’t Fight This Feeling”.  Ever had a feeling inside you that you just can’t explain or don’t know how to fight it?  That’s what I’m having right now.  Is it a feeling of guilt?  Maybe that I could had done more for one of my families and that I let them down somehow?  Or are these feelings more about me?  How I always seem to start something but unable to finish it?  It’s like I lose focus on the bigger picture of things or maybe that the picture is to big?  Whatever this feeling I have inside me, it’s not good for me to have.  All I know is that I’m tired of having these feelings.  They aren’t healthy for me.  All I think about when I come home is how I can help these people more or how I can improve myself.  I really don’t have anybody to come home to talk to about it.  All I have is this post but even then I sometime feel nobody is reading these posts.  But I do know something?  I’m sexy and I know it!


1 comment:

  1. You are not alone, I have those same thoughts. Mine focus more toward my kids and if I spend enough time with them. I think your feelings are normal, especially in the line of work you do. But, I do think you can't let these feelings overwhelm you. When I was having a hard time at one of my jobs, I heard this story about a guy who had a horrible job, but his family never knew how bad it was because he would hang all of his troubles on the "hanging tree" outside of his house. When he left to go back to work in the morning, he would pick up his troubles, and they were always lighter than the night before. I still try to live by that. When at home, it is my time. You will probably think of better ways to help yourself and the families you server, because better ideas come when you aren't really thinking of the problems.
