Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Doctoral Degree Discussion…

Well, today, I called the University of Phoenix to see about their Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership/Information Systems and Technology degree.  This was my first real thought and research about going back to school to get my doctrine degree.  You can read more about this degree here.  I think this would be a great addition to my already collection of degrees that I go.  This doctor degree would go great with my Bachelor of Organizational Studies, which is now called Organizational Leadership.  Also, great with my Master of Science in Technology degree that I have.  So, I feel that this doctor degree would connect the both of those degrees together lovely.  But before I get to carried away, I need to really consider this.

Here is what I found out from the Phoenix people.  This is a three year degree that will cost $53,000 to complete.  Basically, my financial aid would have to cover all of this.  Learned that there is a cap that the US Government give for financial aid and that is $138,500.  Right now, I think I’m near $120,000.  Not to mention there are some in class seminars that I would have to attend at a regional campus of Phoenix at my own cost for that trip.  Very doubtful I’ll be able to do this.  Plus, I will need to have access to a work environment as well.  I will have more discussions with my “campus representative” on Wednesday afternoon regarding this.

What I would have to do is figure out if going back for my doctoral degree is really worth my time and effort or would it just be ridiculous to even attempt?  As my friend Brett told me, “it would be a stupid move on my part because if a Master Degree can’t get me a job than what’s the chances that a doctrine degree will?”  I will also see what my current financial aid situation is with FAFSA to see if even going back to school is even remotely an option.  Only way I can go to college is if I can get financial aid or whenever I find a job, I get them to pay my way.  Another thing I have to clear up is why am I wanting to go back to college for another degree?  Am I doing this because I feel like I have no other option or because I think this will help me with my job?  What is it that is making me want to research the fact that I want to go back to school after all the years I was already in?  I told myself when I graduated with my Master Degree that I wouldn’t be going back to school unless the company I work for pays it.  Of course I said the same thing about my Master degree after I graduated with my Bachelors degree.  Only a year and after after graduating with my Bachelor degree that I went back for my Masters degree.  And now after thinking about it, it’s basically been a year and half after graduating with my Masters degree that I’m thinking about going back to school for my doctrine degree.  Also, have to figure out is Phoenix right for me or should I think about going to actual college?  Would it be cheaper to go to a college compare to Phoenix?

Things are the things that I have to think about over the next few weeks to months.  One thing I do know for a fact that I’m not in any hurry to make a decision on this.  But if I was forced to make a decision tomorrow, it would be a “no”.  I’m 95% sure that I wouldn’t go back for my doctrine degree.  But don’t count out that 5% because as I continue to discuss this with friends, families, and continue researching, I’m sure that 5"% will change.