Thursday, September 23, 2010

It Is Finally Official…

When I started my AmeriCorps VISTA last year, one of the things that I started was the IDA account.  It stands for Individual Development Account, where basically you save a target amount of money ($2000) and once saved, it will be matched 100%.  Yes, you heard me right.  It’s matched 100%.  But it can only go toward whatever your saving up.  In my case, it is for a car.  So, for the whole year I have been saving my money.  My goal was toward the end of my AmeriCorps VISTA that I would have my money saved.  Guess what?  It’s official…I have reached that goal.  Basically starting next year off right basically, I’ll be buying myself a car with the $4000 that I’m going to be getting.  I barely got on the waiting list as the fourth and only person for the list.  I’m so thrilled and excited because basically this is a huge accomplishment for me.  It is my first time that I actually was able to save toward a goal without taking the money out of the saving account for something else.  Of course, having the rule that if you do take any money out, you will lose any match that you earned.  Now you see what I’m happy?

In other things, my new position has the CFS Housing Support Specialist is off to a great start.  Finally was able to nail down my goals, output, and outcomes for this position.  I’m looking forward working with low income families and/or individuals over this upcoming year.  Next Friday, October 1st, is my first monthly training at the LISC office in Cincinnati.  Excited to see the other workers again at the other places.  Also, my flight is booked for my National training in Jacksonville, FL.  I’m getting an all expense paid trip to there.  If last year’s training was any indicator, than I’m in for a hell of a time this year.  Can’t wait.

My diet is still going strong.  Found out that my food stamps really only cover enough for one week.  So, I have been going off script a little and prepared meals that I normally had on week 1 again on week 2.  But I’m still going at it.  In October I’m going to be working out at a gym.  That is a goal of mine and phase 3 of my master plan.

Well, I guess I’m done for now.  Been coming down with either a cold or I have been having a lot of sinus problems.  Either way, I’m heading to bed.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Exciting Week for me…

Hello everybody!  Long time since my last post.  *lol*  Anyway, today has been a very important first day in what should be an exciting week for me.  All along I have been mentioning that I’ll be making a lot of changes in my life.  This week continues those changes.  I’m excited for this!  As you will see below:

Sunday – September 12, 2010 - Today, was the day I started my diet like I planned too.  Already after one day, I’m seeing results in regards to my blood sugars.  When I woke up this morning, I tested my blood sugar and it was 210.  Since I started back checking my blood, it’s very rare that I got below 200 for my blood sugar.  So, I started my diet this morning as I woke up at 7:00 am and started my day out correctly with breakfast.  Under my new diet, I’m eating three main meals and three snacks in between.  Also, trying to stay within 1300 to 1500 calories per day.  When I went to take my blood sugar before I ate lunch, it was down to 176.  Then before supper it was 157.  It will be interesting to see what it will be in the morning.  Plus, I got a lot of things accomplished around the apartment that I needed to have done that I have been putting off.

Wednesday – September 15, 2010 – This is when I’m officially ending my service year as an AmeriCorps VISTA.  It’s been a great last year for me.  To go from being homeless to where I’m out now, is just amazing and a blessing.  Even though this is two days short of my full year but it is only because I’m starting my new position the following day.

Thursday – September 16, 2010 – This is the start of my new position as a LISC AmeriCorps CFS Housing Support Specialist.  I will be starting my training this day.  I’m so excited looking forward for this day.  It’s another chapter in my ever so changing life.  This will bring me new experiences and challenges for the upcoming year.  Also, this should be the day that I’ll get my big paycheck that will include my end of the year cash stipend on it.  Then I’ll put around $1,000 in my IDA account for my car to reach my target.  Then I should know where I stand on the waiting list to receive the match from Brighton Center.  If I’m one of four on the waiting list then in January 2011, I’ll be buying a car.  That would be a huge get for me.  With this new position, it allows me to take on another major bill which will be car insurance.

But it will mean much more than me just getting a car though.  It will actually be the first time that I actually was able to save money.  Usually in the past, I’ll try to save but only to end up using it for something else.  So, hitting this goal is very meaningful for me.

So, the above things is why I’m so exciting for this week.